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Monday 7 September 2015


This is a message to leaders in our Society.

On this day, Sept. 5th @ 10:00 am, near Shoal Point , never forget our responsibility to our land and sacred water .

Four different groups from Bay St. George, and a group from Corner Brook , and our leaders in Government, have shown us an interest.Then people from the area united in unity, as we all prayed for the sacred water, our first entry , of all life as humans.

Still today nothing has changed and for this reason the people should ask their Government member of the this area, both Provincial and Federal, that we as a people have to try to live a healthy life in harmony and leave our environment as is.

Government, we all must show our youth, the leaders of the future generations, that someone in this area has to clean up this crude oil that has been leaking in the Bay St. George area for the past two years , maybe ever longer. The coast line where this leak is a toxic combination and has poisoned what ever comes in contact with it .

One of my main concerns is the well being of all people and their right to have fresh water . We cannot survive without it.

Here is the estimated amount of oil that has leaked from the orphan oil well on Shoal Point using Amex figures.

I litre per hour....24 liters per day, 365 days X 24 liters per day = 8760 liters per year. Two years , or 730 days X 24 liters per day = 17,520 liters.

At this location (eleu-1m),921u-036065690-UTM_5386739) , distance sitting oil 720-FEET, 190-SW...West Bay, (artesian aquifer), and East Bay could very well have this leak exposed to their drinking water, (after closer look), test the dip and lay of the shale formation).

People should get their Government to do a tap water test for fluoride , heavy metals , lead , mercury , arsenic, heravelent , chromium 6 , benzene, , B.P.A.--M.T.B.e and VOC's .

I'm very honored and an uplifted that all people came together.

Muchie Bennett has shown so much respect to the next generation that they will not ever forget this day of prayer .

Honor to all that the Creator has given us . This is all free and we must not destroy Mother Earth . She is our first mother who nourishes us all.

Wela'laq-Thank you all,

Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's

Victor James Miuse.

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