About Me

Sunday 28 February 2016


In our  Mi'kmaw culture, when someone is dying we all gather and we do something called Apiksiktatultimk , (And act of Forgiving each other).

When the person is about to pass we try to hold back our tears so that they can go through  transition into the spirit world. 

Once someone passes we hold a 3 day wake.

 After the person is buried we gather and have a feast and an auction to help the family of the deceased, to pay for funeral costs.

There's more to our culture around death.

When the rain falls upon the deceased blessings are passed down to generations   before us and we humbly embrace  the good memories of the passing,,,,

It reminds us all to show love in our path to being happy,  in sad times and mourning.  

When you cannot find a smile,  then we all have to move on in our journey that will never end..,,the living and the dead .

Thursday 25 February 2016

Sunday 7 February 2016


Yup, I'm 186.
I had  three birthdays cakes. I sure did enjoy. Every one else had my day planned, except me , but  I had fun...
Wela'lin..Thank you kindly every one , for you wonderful wishes..Oh,  and I almost forgot.... thank for all the gifts ,,,, 


OMG.... Another surprise.... two more cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Port Au Port Peninsula, In Mi'kmaw (Pukt aq Pukt Kive'same'k).
Name Of Group ,White Wolf Spirit,(Wipe's Paqtism jijaqamij),Pronounced-- ( wa-beg-buck-dissim-jid-juck-ha-mij ).

OMG ....Surprise Birthday gathering . This is  part of the Miuse Clan..
Wela'lin ,Thank you my loved ones.
 Brother Lin told me brother Pat was having meeting.